Ongoing Research

Cultures of Disability and Disabling Cultures

Cultures of Disability and Disabling Cultures is a research project exploring a unified theory of cultural critique.

This theory grows out of Thomas Tajo’s research and experience as a disability activist and postulates that all forms of social oppression (whether disability, race, gender, sexuality etc.) all stem from the same source. Namely the underlying structures of repression that are inherent to all traditional cultures that have a narrow conception of humanity by prescribing limits to human capacity. This repression restricts free exploration and hinders the uncovering of potential capacities that may be inherent to our living bodies and mind, and thus prevent us from realising infinite possibilities for diverse modes of human functioning and being. This research project therefore investigates the possibility to develop a unified theory of cultural critique. One that exposes the common threads that underlie all forms of social oppression and brings people to unite against the inherent structures of repression: to fight against oppressions and injustices, and to work together to reform and remove the inherent structures of oppression. The aim of being the building of open societies and inclusive cultures that are free from prejudices and discriminations, for all people and all life, where differences and diversities are celebrated and enjoyed rather merely tolerated.

T. Tajo, [2019] Cultures of Disability and Disabling Cultures. Leuphana University Luneburg Germany. 13 November.